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No Credit Check with Direct Auto Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Advertising, Research Last Updated: 08/24/2012

Direct Auto Insurance brings a new character and program to drivers looking for insurance.


Commercial opens with former racecar driver JJ Hightail in his Direct Auto Insurance racing uniform.

Hightail: I’ll be honest. I’m not what some might call responsible or a guy who always pays his bills on time. So maybe my credit isn’t what you’d call good at all. But the good news is, unlike other insurance companies direct auto doesn’t require a credit check.

Hightail does the finger quote thing around the words: responsible, guy who always pays his bills on time and good at all.

He does the two finger pointing thing away from him, and the words “No Credit” and “No Problem” pop up on the screen where he was pointing.

Hightail: It’s official! I guess they care more about the driver, than they do some number. Which is a huge plus because mathematics scare me. So do clowns.

“No Clowns” pop up on the screen under the “No Problem”.

Screen changes to the front of Hightail’s uniform. Under the Direct Auto Insurance logo on his uniform is “We’ll do right by you” on the screen.

Hightail: Call, click, or come in today.

Point of Commercial

Direct Auto Insurance is bringing out the news that they don’t check credit scores; which is a good play by them. Credit scores are a very sore subject with many drivers. They don’t believe that how they handle their money has anything to do with how safe of a driver they are.

By advertising this, Direct Auto Insurance is reaching out to those that don’t want their insurance premium affected by their credit score.

What They Want You to Do

They want drivers to start thinking about Direct Auto Insurance as much as the bigger insurance companies.

This JJ Hightail is a fictional character created by Direct Auto to be their spokesperson. He is no different than the GEICO gecko or Flo from Progressive.

Studies have shown advertising companies that consumers best relate to companies that have one of these fictional, character symbols in place. Did you know that Priceline brought William Shatner’s character back from the dead because of this?

So for Direct Auto, creating JJ Hightail is a good move.

My Opinion

Okay, the commercial is stupid, but not as stupid as some of the previous Direct Auto commercials, though. After watching this commercial for the 15th time while writing this, JJ kind of started to grow on me and I didn’t mind him so much. This increasing like of the character is a good thing, because I am starting to get annoyed with Flo from Progressive, and I used to like her.

Overall, JJ did leave an impression. If I was looking for auto insurance, Direct Auto would be on my list to call.

Giving this Direct Auto Insurance commercial two thumbs up.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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