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Money, Education, and Glendale Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 04/12/2014

Being educated about traffic laws and how much Glendale car insurance you need to legally drive will help keep money in your pocket.

glendale car insurance

Don’t let your knowledge of Glendale car insurance and important traffic laws get outdated.

None of us like to give up money to the government, whether it is in the form of taxes, fines, or otherwise. Now, there isn’t anything we can help you with in regards to taxes. However, we can help you save some money in connection to driving.

Saving on Glendale Car Insurance

You don’t need to purchase every car insurance coverage that your agent suggests to be able to drive in Arizona. The State of Arizona actually only requires that you carry the following if you want to drive:

  • $15,000 bodily-injury liability for one person and $30,000 for two or more people
  • $10,000 property-damage liability

While this is not a lot of coverage and it pays nothing towards any injuries that you may have or any damages to your vehicle, it will save you money every month.

Children are Priceless Packages Classes

If you get a ticket for not having your young one properly secured in your vehicle, in Arizona you can avoid paying the fine for the ticket if you educate yourself. This education is in the form of a 2-hour class called “Children are Priceless Packages” or CAPP for short.

The class does cost $25 to attend, but will reduce your ticket fine to zero once you complete it.

Defensive Driving School

Defensive Driving School (DDS) is another way that education can help to save you money. DDS is a 4.5 hour class that you can take after you get a traffic citation, to prevent whatever you did to earn a traffic citation from getting on your driving record. It will also make the fine for your traffic offense go away.

You are only eligible to take the class once every 2 years, and the class is not an option if your traffic violation led to an accident that involved a serious death or injury. You are also only allowed to have one violation and its fee removed per class. So if you earned 3 citations, 2 of them will still go on your driving record and you will still have to pay the corresponding fines.

Continuing Education

To keep yourself from getting a traffic violation and having to take the above courses, keep yourself educated with the changes to traffic laws that usually happen every year. Follow up on the details when you hear about traffic law changes in the news, voluntarily educate yourself on child restraints if you are a new parent, and actually browse through the DMV book if it is time to take your driving test again.

Keeping educated is the best way to avoid issues and keep money in your pocket.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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