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The Statistics of Why You Need Cincinnati Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 11/03/2013

You can argue that you don’t need Cincinnati car insurance, but you can’t argue with car accident statistics.

cincinnati car insurance

With 83 car accidents a day in this county, Cincinnati car insurance is much needed protection.

People talk until they are blue in the face that they don’t need car insurance. Their reasons vary from being a safe driver, never having an accident before, not driving enough to increase the chance of getting into a car accident, and thinking that having to carry car insurance is a government conspiracy.

Whether these reasons are true or not, I am not going to speculate on. But what I can share are the car accident statistics from the Ohio Department of Public Safety, from there you can make your own decision as to whether you still need car insurance or not.

Actually, you don’t have a choice whether to have car insurance or not; but you can decide whether you feel safer having to have it.

Car Accident Statistics for All of Ohio

In 2012, there were a total of 287,050 car accidents in Ohio. This averages out to 786 car accidents a day in the state.

Of these 287, 050 car accidents, at least one person died in 1,024 of them. There were also a total of 72,100 accidents that resulting in one or more people being injured; which means that 25% of all car accidents that happened in 2012 had injuries. Of these injuries, there were a total of 105,149 people injured, creating an average of 288 people a day being injured in car accidents in Ohio.

The scary thing about these statistics is that 58% of the car accidents that happened in Ohio in 2012 were during clear weather conditions. Only 42% of car accidents happened where there was some sort of outside weather influence that could have created conditions for a car accident to happen.

Car Accident Statistic for Just Hamilton County

Hamilton County (the county where Cincinnati is located) was the location of 10.5% of all the car accidents in Ohio for 2012. This county alone averaged 83 car accidents a day.

Their car accident statistics also include:

  • 55 fatal car accidents that resulted in 57 deaths
  • 6,020 car accidents that had one or more injuries
  • An average of 23 people a day being injured in car accidents

Cincinnati Car Insurance Requirements

Just as a reminder, even if you don’t want Cincinnati car insurance coverage you still have to have the following to be able to drive:

  • $12,500 of bodily injury coverage to pay for the injuries you cause to one person
  • $25,000 of bodily injury coverage to pay for all of the medical expenses for two or more injured people in a car accident that you cause
  • $7,500 for property damage that you cause with your vehicle

And as of December 23, 2013 these required Cincinnati car insurance coverages will increase to:

  • $25,000 of bodily injury coverage to pay for the injuries you cause to one person
  • $50,000 of bodily injury coverage to pay for all of the medical expenses for two or more injured people in a car accident that you cause
  • $25,000 for property damage that you cause with your vehicle

Even with the increase in coverage, these minimum Cincinnati car insurance requirements aren’t enough protection. These coverages only cover the damages and injuries you cause to another party; they do not cover your injuries or damages.

To make sure you have enough protection for yourself, contact your local agent and talk about the coverages that you currently have for your Cincinnati car insurance.

Stockton Car Insurance and Driving Privileges

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/27/2013

Current Stockton car insurance isn’t the only thing required to keep your license valid and you on the road.

stockton car insurance

If you would like to remain on of these blurs, keep your driving safe and your Stockton car insurance current.

Like the website for the City of Stockton says, “In California, driving is a privilege, not a right.” To be able to qualify for this privilege, you have to follow their rules, which include getting and keeping your driver’s license valid, not being dangerous on the road, and keeping your Stockton car insurance active.

Failure to do any of these major three things will result in you losing that privilege that you enjoy so much.

No Stockton Car Insurance = No Driving

The State of California is a stickler when it comes to you having current Stockton car insurance in place if you plan on driving. You have to have Stockton car insurance when you register your vehicle in the first place, and the state keeps track of your insurance coverage electronically from that point on.

So if your policy is cancelled or non-renewed for any reason and you fail to find new insurance, the state will know and your vehicle registration will be suspended.

To keep your vehicle registration active, make sure that you have at least the following insurance coverages on your vehicle:

  • $5,000 property damage liability coverage
  • $15,000 bodily injury liability coverage for one person
  • $30,000 bodily injury liability coverage for multiple injuries

Other Ways to Lose your Driving Privileges

Letting your Stockton car insurance lapse is only one of the many ways that you can lose your privilege of driving your car. To keep the rest of us on the road safe, you can also lose your driver’s license for dangerous driving.

Not sure what dangerous driving will get your license taken away? The City of Stockton was kind enough to specifically point out to drivers exactly what actions to avoid if they wish to stay on the road, these actions include:

  • You have been arrested for D.U.I.
  • You have refused a chemical test for blood alcohol.
  • You have been involved in a collision without insurance.
  • You failed to appear in court.
  • You failed to complete a court-ordered program.
  • You violated your probation or parole.
  • You failed to pay your court-ordered child support.
  • You have been issued a citation for being an unlicensed driver.
  • You have medical restrictions.

The funny thing is, that many of the above actions can also get your car insurance cancelled. So not only will you be without a driver’s license at this point, you will also no longer have the Stockton car insurance that you need to keep your car registration active.

Why You Need More Than the Required Anchorage Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/08/2013

The minimum required Anchorage Car Insurance does not protect you enough from Alaskan driving hazards.

anchorage car insurance

The minimum Anchorage car insurance coverage won’t pay anything when one of these guys total your car.

Every state in the U.S. requires that their drivers carry car insurance, and Alaska is no exception. The only difference is that there are certain areas in the state where it is not required for drivers to register their vehicles, and for those areas only you are not required to carry car insurance.

Anchorage is not one of these exempt places, and drivers here are required to carry a certain amount of Anchorage car insurance to be able to drive legally. However, even with being required to have insurance it may not be enough to protect you from common driving dangers in Alaska.

What Is the Minimum Anchorage Car Insurance Needed?

The State of Alaska requires that all registered vehicles carry no less than the following Anchorage car insurance:

  • $50,000 in liability coverage to pay for the medical bills of a single person you injure in a car accident
  • $100,000 in liability coverage for medical bills if there are two or more people injured in an accident you cause
  • $25,000 in liability coverage for property that you damage in an accident

Why You Need More Than the Minimum Required Insurance

As you can see from the Anchorage car insurance requirements above, they are all liability coverages. Liability coverage in car insurance only covers the damages you cause to another person. Yes, it is beneficial coverage for you because you don’t have to pay for these damages out of your own pocket, but these coverages do not pay for your own medical expenses or damages to your vehicle.

You will have to pay for these items on your own, unless you purchase additional Anchorage car insurance that pays for your damages.

Here are just a handful of reasons from the Alaska Department of Transportation’s traffic records from 2009 as to why you need to purchase more than the minimum required Anchorage car insurance:

  • There were 575 moose vs. car accidents (1 -2 everyday), which made up 4.5% of all car accidents in Alaska that year. Of these 575 accidents, 24.2% of them happened around Anchorage.
  • 49% of accidents happened on roads that were covered in ice or snow
  • 14% of all accidents were vehicle vs. fixed object crashes
  • 28% of all car accidents only involved one vehicle
  • There were 901 accidents where the person that caused the accident left the scene without providing their personal or insurance information.

These statistics show just how many car accidents happen in Alaska due to circumstances that cannot be controlled by the driver. They also show how many single car accidents happen in a year. And when it is just you in the accident, there is no other driver to hold liable or to pay for the damages to you and your vehicle.

So before you become one of these statistics and find yourself with medical bills you can’t pay or vehicle damage you can’t afford to fix, contact your local agent today to find out how much Anchorage car insurance you need to be adequately protected.

Why Do I Have to Have Lexington Car Insurance?

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/08/2013

Lexington car insurance has more to do with protecting you than you think.

lexington car insurance

You never know when it is your time for an accident and you will need Lexington car insurance.

Many drivers often wonder if their being forced to carry car insurance is because of insurance companies lobbying the government so that they can make more money. I can’t attest to how much lobbying happens on behalf of car insurance companies, but I can say that I am personally glad that states require drivers to carry car insurance.

Why Required Lexington Car Insurance Should Make You Happy

The fact that Lexington car insurance is required by the State of Kentucky should make you happy for two reasons. One, if you ever make a mistake and cause an accident your required Lexington car insurance will pay for the damages you cause. This means you won’t be financially ruined by having to pay for the damages out of your own pocket.

Two, your vehicle damage and medical expenses will be paid for if someone else hits you. Without the requirement of Lexington car insurance you could end up having to pay for your own damages and medical expenses if the other person didn’t have insurance. Yes, you could take them to court to make them pay for the damage they caused. But, then you have to wade through the legal system and then hope that they would actually pay the court mandated amount.

Think You Don’t Need Lexington Car Insurance?

Are you one of those drivers that think that you are such a good driver that they will never get into a car accident? There are a number of flaws with this thinking.

First, they are called “car accidents” for a reason. They don’t happen on purpose, they happen on accident. Sometimes there are just things that are completely out of your control that makes you lose control of your vehicle and leads to an accident.

Second, you can’t control how other people drive or if they cause an accident. All you can do is make sure that you have enough Lexington car insurance to protect yourself, and that the other person is driving legally with their own car insurance.

Still think you will be able to avoid a car accident? Well, think about this then. In 2012, per the Kentucky State Police, there were a total of 147,838 in the State of Kentucky. And of all the counties, Fayette County (where Lexington is located) had the most car accidents in the entire state with 3,134 accidents in 2012.

That means that every single day in Fayette County, there are at least 8-9 car accidents. Still think you don’t need to have Lexington car insurance to protect you?

Pittsburgh Car Insurance and Parking Tickets

Written by Todd Clay. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/08/2013

Forgetting to pay your Pittsburgh car insurance or parking tickets will end badly.

pittsburg car insurance

Getting around by foot may be your only option if you fail to pay your Pittsburgh car insurance or your parking tickets.

There are just some things in life that you should never forget to pay, like your Pittsburgh car insurance and any outstanding parking tickets. Forgetting to pay for Pittsburgh car insurance will cost you money, your license, and even your vehicle (temporarily). While unpaid parking tickets can lead to you losing your vehicle (permanently).

Forgetting Your Pittsburgh Car Insurance

The State of Pennsylvania has determined that all drivers in their state must carry a specific amount of car insurance. For drivers that refuse to purchase this insurance or get cancelled because they forgot to pay their premium, there are consequences.

Getting caught with no Pittsburgh car insurance can lead to:

  • Vehicle impoundment
  • A fine of $300 or more for driving without Pittsburgh car insurance
  • Your driver’s license and vehicle registration being suspended for 3 months
  • Fees to get your driver’s license and vehicle registration restored

If you aren’t sure if you are current on your Pittsburgh car insurance policy, contact your insurance agent immediately. They can advise you if you are okay, or if you need to purchase a policy right away.

Forgetting to Pay Your Parking Tickets

Pittsburgh isn’t fooling around when it comes to unpaid traffic tickets. Per the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances, if you have five or more unpaid tickets, summonses, or other misc. process against your vehicle for illegal parking, being stopped, or standing you (and your vehicle) are deemed a public nuisance. That’s right; they officially dub you a public nuisance.

Once they catch up with you, your vehicle will be either towed away immediately or it will be booted. If you don’t take care of your parking tickets within 72 hours of getting a boot on your vehicle, then you are going to get towed away anyhow.

After your vehicle gets towed away, you then get 15 days to reclaim your vehicle. Reclaiming your vehicle entails paying your parking tickets, your impound fees, and any other fees you may have racked up at this point.

If you don’t reclaim you vehicle by day 15, it will be sold at auction 15 days later. In other words, pay your parking tickets or lose your car. Better yet, don’t get the parking tickets in the first place!

So, if you don’t want to be able to keep driving your vehicle keep your Pittsburgh car insurance up to date and don’t collect the parking tickets like they were baseball cards.

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