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Purchase Henderson Car Insurance That Protects You

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 12/09/2013

Henderson car insurance

You never know where you will need your Henderson car insurance coverage to protect you.

Always purchase more Henderson car insurance than what Nevada requires.

The State of Nevada determines the minimum amount of car insurance that drivers are required to purchase if they want to maintain their driving privileges. These amounts change every so often, but at the current moment they are as follows:

  • $15,000 of bodily injury liability coverage for anyone not in your vehicle injured by you while you are driving
  • $30,000 also for bodily injury liability coverage, but this is the total that the insurance company will pay out for injuries from a single accident if there are two or more people injured.
  • $10,000 of property damage liability coverage to pay for any damage you cause to another person’s vehicle.

These minimum coverages are only required to make sure that if you get hit by another person that your injuries and damages will be paid. On the flip side, it also makes sure that the injuries and damages that you cause to another person are paid, as well.

However, these minimum coverages do not cover any of your own injuries or damages. And in Clark County, where Henderson is located, not having coverage on your Henderson car insurance that protects you in the event that you are injured in an accident is dangerous.

Here’s why.

Motorcycle Accidents with Injuries

In 2010, per the Nevada Department of Transportation, there were 933 motorcycle accidents in the state that resulted in injury. Of these 933 accidents, 721 of them happened in Clark County; meaning that 77% of these types of accidents for the entire state happened in Clark County.

In that same year, 30 of the 44 statewide motorcycle accidents that involved a fatality happened in Clark County.

Alcohol Involved Crashes

In 2010, there were 2894 car accidents in Nevada caused by drunk drivers. Of these 2894, 82% of them happened in Clark County.

If you are hit by a drunk driver and they leave the scene or have no car insurance, you are stuck with paying your own damages and medical bills until you can take them to court. If you have coverage on your Henderson car insurance policy to pay for your own injuries and medical bills, these expenses won’t have to come out of your own pocket.

In fact, your insurance company will even take the other person to court for you.

Talk to Your Henderson Car Insurance Agent

The statistics for the two scenarios above just scratch the surface of why you need more Henderson car insurance than what Nevada requires, whether you drive a car or a motorcycle. There are many other accident scenarios not listed that you can find yourself in that can cause damage to your vehicle or leave you with piles of medical bills that you can’t pay.

So, talk to your Henderson car insurance agent today about what coverage you should have on your policy that will give you the best coverage for your budget.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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