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Plano Car Insurance is Protection from the Unknown

Written by Todd Clay. Posted in Research Last Updated: 12/09/2013


plano car insurance

Staying off the road and taking mass transit is the best option in bad weather to save from having to use your Plano car insurance.

You just never know what Mother Nature is going to throw at you in Plano, Texas; which is one reason you have Plano car insurance.

Hurricanes, ice, snow, hail, tornadoes, and lots of rain can happen at any time, especially when you least expect it. You never turn the calendar page and say to yourself, “Oh, I should get prepared because there is going to be a hurricane later this month” or “Hey, it’s December, I should stay home on the 7th because we are going to get a freak snowstorm”.

What makes unexpected weather so dangerous is that not only are we not prepared for it, but it also makes driving so much more dangerous. And these conditions increase your chance of getting in a car accident.

The unexpected is exactly why we carry Plano car insurance, so that we are protected in the event something does happen. A dose of extra safe driving helps also.

Staying Safe during Unusual Weather

The first rule of driving during unexpected, dangerous weather is – don’t. If you can help it, never drive during these times if you don’t have to. But if you have no choice, here are some safe driving tips:

  1. Don’t attempt to cross unfamiliar puddles of water, especially if you have a low sitting car. You don’t know what is under the puddle, and you may end up getting stuck and flood the engine of your car.
  2. If you have no tread on your tires, do not drive when it is rainy, hailing, snowing, or icy. (And buy new tires the first chance you get)
  3. As soon as you hear that there is bad weather coming, fill your gas tank.
  4. Give as much distance as reasonable between yourself and the car in front of you. This will give you enough time to react if they start to lose control, and will give you a safe distance if you start to lose control.
  5. Drive slow! You have more control over your vehicle at slow speeds than you do at higher speeds.
  6. Give yourself extra time to get to where you are going so you don’t have to feel rushed.

Protection after a Car Accident

Even if you are the safest driver on the road during bad weather, accidents can still happen. This is why it is so important to have current Plano car insurance, this car insurance is your backup protection to your safe driving.

Besides being a good backup protection, the State of Texas requires that you carry a minimum amount of car insurance to be to drive anyway:

  • $30,000 in bodily injury coverage for a single person for medical expenses
  • $60,000 in bodily injury coverage for two or more people for medical expenses
  • $25,000 in property damage coverage

As you can see though, the Plano car insurance required by Texas is only for the protection of the people that you hit with your vehicle in accident. None of the required coverages protect you or your vehicle.

So before another storm hits your area, contact your local Plano car insurance agent to make sure that you have enough backup protection for yourself and your own vehicle.

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Todd Clay

Todd Clay is a former insurance agent with the largest insurance company in the United States. He earned his Bachelor’s from the University of Texas. He's worked in several fields but has specialized in insurance, financial-related information, and technology. He blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook. Connect with Tood on Google+

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