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Car Insurance Company’s and a Revoked License

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 02/25/2016

Question:  I have a question about my car insurance company.  They cancelled my insurance because my son’s license was revoked, I asked them to take him of I have been with them for years they told me no what can I do about this why can they not take him off ?

Answer: Honestly, the only thing that I can think of is that your car insurance company considers him a risk and believes that he will increase the chance of a car accident since he is still in your household. It’s not unheard of for those without a license to still drive anyways and if he does get into an accident your insurance company will still have to pay for it, even if he is not on the insurance policy. They could have just as easily had you exclude him from the insurance though, then if he does drive and is in an accident they legally don’t have to pay for it.

Since they have already made their decision and have cancelled your policy, I wouldn’t try to get them to change their mind. Just look for another car insurance company.

A Car Accident With My Own Car

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 02/21/2016

Question: I was just in a car accident, but both cars are mine. Do I have to pay my deductible on both cars to get them fixed?

Answer: It all depends on your insurance company. Some insurance companies make you pay both deductibles if you are in a car accident with your own vehicles, others will just have you pay for one deductible and the best ones are the companies that completely waive both deductibles. The only way you will know what your insurance company will do is to ask your agent or insurance company.

Reprinting Your Arizona De-Insured Notice

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 02/20/2016

Question: How can I reprint my de-insured certificate after months?

Answer: Per the Arizona Department of Transportation website, you can only reprint your certificate up to 14 days after the date of your online vehicle De-Insured transaction.  Beyond the 14 days you will have to contact the Motor Vehicle Division for assistance.

Phoenix: (602) 255-0072
Tucson: (520) 629-9808
Elsewhere in Arizona dial: (800) 251-5866
Hearing/Speech Impaired-TDD systems only: Phoenix (602) 712-3222
Elsewhere (800)324-5425

Insurance Premium Refund For No Car

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 02/20/2016

Question:  I have a question we purchased car insurance for a car we were buying but never bought the car, can I get my money back?

Answer: Absolutely! There was no vehicle to provide coverage for, so the insurance company did not do anything for you to owe them any money for.

Let the insurance company or insurance agent know that you never purchased the vehicle, but do it as soon as possible. If they give you any problems about giving you your money back, report them to your state Insurance Commissioner.

Adding Points Adds How Much Premium?

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 01/31/2016

Q: Approximately how much does my insurance premium go up if you have couple of points on your record?

A: There is really no answer to the question that we can give for several reasons.

  1. Each insurance company has different insurance rates.
  2. Each insurance company assigns a different value to the number of points on a driving record.
  3. The rates for insurance companies vary from state to state. The amount a policy will go up for two points in Idaho is different than how much it will go up in Florida.
  4. A person with a couple of points will have a much different premium than a driver with a couple of points and bad credit or an accident that was never reported to the police.

As you can see there are so many variables that come into play with insurance premiums that it is impossible to give even an estimate of what a premium increase would be. Wish insurance premiums were the same across the board and we could give an actual answer.

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