Your Car Insurance Policy Contract
Your car insurance policy package broken down into easy to understand sections.

Breaking down your car insurance policy package.
Opening that huge package from an insurance company that is your new car insurance policy leaves most of us so overwhelmed that we just pull out the insurance cards then slide the rest back in the envelope and quietly file it away. Well, filed away until we actually need it after an accident to see if we have coverage. Even then because it is a legal document it can still leave us scratching our head.
So here is a quick an easy guide to help you navigate that daunting package a little easier. Now keep in mind that every insurance company is different, so this is just a general guide.
Breaking Down the Car Insurance Policy
Every car insurance policy can be broken down into sections and understanding one section at a time can make it a lot easier to understand the policy as a whole. In general, car insurance policies all have the following:
- Declarations Page
- Insurance Statement
- Conditions
- Exclusions
- Definitions
- Endorsements
Declarations Page
The declarations page has all of your personal information, your specific coverages and also your billing information. You will actually get a new declarations page every time your insurance renews because the information will change at each renewal. However, this is the only part of the insurance policy that you will get at renewal as the rest of the policy package stays the same so there is no reason to send you the other parts again.
You will, however, get a full packet if there have been significant changes in any of the other parts of the insurance contract.
Insurance Statement
The insurance statement is exactly what it sounds like, it is a statement from the insurance company stating that through this contract they are agreeing to provide you insurance coverage.
Specifically outlines what your responsibilities as the policyholder are and the responsibilities of the insurance company. It can also include how to cancel your policy, billing options, and other legal obligatory information.
Defines in details what is NOT covered under your insurance policy. There is no gray area here, the insurance company is very specific about things they don’t cover.
This is the insurance company’s version of their dictionary. Everything term that could possibly be confusing is right here specifically defined for you.
Some insurance policies don’t have an endorsement section or there is nothing in it, this is only because there are no endorsements on the policy. Endorsements are additional coverages that are not included in the basic policy but that the insurance company offers to add on for you. Those additional coverages and their details will be added here.
Yes, an insurance policy packet can be daunting, but it is in your best interest to understand exactly what you are paying for and to make sure you have the car insurance coverage you need in the event of a catastrophe.
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