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Finding the Insurance Bundler in Your Current Policy

Written by Todd Clay. Posted in Research Last Updated: 02/27/2012

Don’t feel left out if you can’t use the insurance bundler from Progressive Insurance, bundlers are more common than you think.

Insurance bundler

Bundling your insurance policies all together safely can be much more benficial than having them floating separately with different companies.

Flo from Progressive Insurance has quite the campaign going on about her new Insurance Bundler machine. She talks about how new and great it is to be able to bundle both your car insurance and other insurance products together to save even more on your insurance premium.

If you don’t remember, these are the commercials where one of the employees accidently sticks his hands in the Insurance Bundler and they become bundled with the boxes that were also in the machine (“No hands in the Bundler”). Another one of the commercials has a man that is bundled together with a horse.

What is an Insurance Bundler?

In the advertisements, the Insurance Bundler is an actual machine. The customer in the Progressive Insurance store selects separate insurance policies (represented by boxes) that are then placed inside the Insurance Bundler. When the Bundler is turned on it combines the different insurance policies together into one package.

The Insurance Bundler is basically a marketing campaign that Progressive came up with to advertise that if you keep all your insurance needs with them that you can save money. It also brings to people’s attention that Progressive Insurance sells more than just the auto insurance and they are mostly known for.

Can You Only Get an Insurance Bundler from Progressive Insurance?

While the actual Insurance Bundler machine is a Progressive Insurance creation (and is not real), the concept is not exclusive to Progressive Insurance. Every time you purchase multiple insurance products from a company, you are essentially “bundling” your insurance together. It is not in one policy, but it is together with one company.

Any insurance company will be more than happy to put all of your insurance products together with them, as long as they are licensed to sell the products you need in your state. Even with giving you the multi-policy discount, they are still making more money if you move your policy over to then than if you were to keep it with a different company.

What are the Benefits of Doing an Insurance Bundler?

The benefit of having multiple insurance products together with one insurance company is that they usually offer additional discounts on your insurance. You will see discounts such as “multi-policy” listed on the declarations page of your insurance policy to show that you are getting the discount.

It also makes it more convenient for you in a multitude of ways:

• It is easier to keep all of your policies straight if they are all with one insurance company.

• Your insurance agent can help you on all of your policies at once, instead of having to call each of the different companies to take care of business.

• The billing for all of your policies can usually be combined into one payment if they are with the same insurance company.

• Multi-policy discounts.

• You only have to give your information once and they can use it to write or service all of your insurance.

If you have your policies scattered amongst multiple insurance companies, it may be time to create an insurance bundler of your own with just one company.

Top Ranked Insurance Company Websites

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 02/25/2012

An insurance company website is the most important tool an insurance company can use to get and keep younger customers.

top ranked insurance company websites

Research groups have made the choice of who their top insurance website selection is, who is your pick?

Do you realize that this current group of new drivers (born in the late 90’s) has never known life without the internet? They have never had long distance pen pals that they kept in touch with by writing a letter by hand, they text more than they talk on their cell phones and most of their business dealings (both personal and business) will be done through some form of the internet.

No, I am not anti-internet. In fact, I am just the opposite. I love the internet; I spend most of my day online for both personal and work. I will actually get online to try and take care of things (no matter what they are) before I will pick up the phone or leave my house to go and talk to someone.

It is for this new generation of drivers and people like me that has insurance companies scrambling to develop their insurance company website in order to keep our business.

The Need For An Insurance Company Website

For those that are lost on the whole concept of companies needing a website, here are two reasons why they are important. One, the insurance company saves money by having the consumer (you and me) get their own quotes online and perform their own policy maintenance online. Because we as consumers control this, the insurance companies can hire less people to help us with these items.

Two, younger consumers handle almost everything online (like I talked about earlier with myself). If an insurance company doesn’t have a website for me to get insurance quote from at 1 a.m. in the morning, I move on to the next company that does. Also being able to pay bills, print policy information and get basic information about my coverage needs to be available to me online for me to access when I need it. Generation X, Y and the millennium babies don’t like to wait for business hours before we can take care of our business.

The Top Ranked Insurance Company Website

Insurance company websites are ranked differently by the companies that do the ranking. For example, the Webby Awards are looking more for an entertainment and quality of design factor. Their 2011 winners had insurance company websites that were entertaining and taught about insurance, but had no value for someone that would already be a customer and needed to pay a bill.

On the other hand, the Web Marketing Associations WebAward bases their selection of the best insurance website based on: design, ease of use, copywriting, interactivity, use of technology, innovation and content. These categories are much more valuable to you and I as consumers. If you are wondering, they awarded American Family Insurance the best insurance website award for 2011.

Also in 2011, Key Lime Interactive rated not only insurance company websites, but mobile sites and apps that can be accessed by consumers. Their award went to State Farm and was based on feedback from users as to what they need and use the most with these mobile websites and apps. After the feedback was collected Key Lime Interactive then reviewed different mobile websites and apps to rank them.

How about you? Do you love your insurance company’s website or hate it? Share your thoughts in the comment section below on how you would rank your insurance company website.

I Choose AAA – Tom’s Story

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Advertising, Research Last Updated: 02/12/2012

Tom’s story may be true, but it’s not compelling enough to actually make the switch.


This AAA commercial is a monologue given by AAA customer Tom Schwallie and his personal experience with AAA.

Tom: My name is Tom Schwallie and I’m a AAA member. My wife and I switched our home and auto insurance to AAA a couple of years ago and we’re really glad we did. Our agent made sure we had the right coverage for us.

When we needed to make a claim, the first things she asked, “Is everybody safe and are you okay?”. That meant a great deal to us. We all buy insurance hoping we never need it, but when we did it was clear that AAA was the smart choice.

Screen changes to white with “I choose AAA” and that AAA logo on it. Screen changes again to “Get your quote today” and

Point of the Commercial

Customer testimonials are a very powerful marketing tool for companies. AAA insurance is using these to try and gain your trust through the positive experiences of other clients. They want you to think that if these other people have had great experiences, you will also.

Unfortunately, you do have to be careful about staged customer testimonies. This is not to say that the ones that AAA insurance is currently using are staged, but there are desperate and unscrupulous companies out there that do. (Trust me, as a writer I have been offered and turned down jobs to write these fake customer testimonials.)

What They Want you to Do

We have already talked about AAA insurance wanting you to think that if you switch to them that you will have just as great of an experience as the person you are listening to. If you are going to make the switch or at least contact them about possibly doing so, they want you to contact them through the internet.

AAA insurance offers no other way of contacting them in this commercial other than to get a quote through their website.

My Opinion

While customer testimonials are good tool to use to advertise, they are best when used in cooperation with an additional method of advertising. I was slightly swayed into thinking that AAA might be a good switch, but only while I was watching the commercial.

Once it was over I forgot all about it. The commercial was so simple that it was boring, and there was nothing there to make it last in my memory for the next time I start looking for new insurance.

Giving this AAA insurance commercial a thumbs down.

Rhode Island Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 12/02/2017

Rhode Island car insurance takes into account what you can afford to buy, before it requires you to buy more.

State Regulator Information 401-462-9520
Insurance Premium Avg. Annual Premium: $ 1,848 National Average: $1,318
Mandatory Car Insurance Coverage Bodily Injury Liability:$25k/50k
Property Damage Liability: $25k
UM/UIM: Optional depending on liability coverage purchased
rhode island car insurance

Not every mandatory coverage is the same for Rhode Island car insurance.

Rhode Island car insurance is the only insurance in the country that makes certain coverages mandatory based on other coverages that are purchased. The coverage that may or may not be required is uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Whether or not you have to purchase it depends solely on what you do with the required liability coverage.

For really bad drivers, choosing your coverage will be the least of your worries.

The Minimum Liability Needed to Satisfy Rhode Island Car Insurance

Rhode Island minimum required liability coverage falls about average as compared to other states. They require that your policy cover you for no less than 25/50/25.

This breaks down as $25,000 in liability coverage for medical related expenses that another person may have after you injure them with your vehicle. The middle number is a total of $50,000 available in coverage for all everyone, not in your vehicle, that has medical expenses from an accident that you cause.

The last 25 is that you are required to carry no less than $25,000 in liability coverage for any property damage that you cause. Now this may seem to be a high number and offer enough coverage to you if you were to get into an accident. But, what if you damage an expensive vehicle or cause an accident with multiple vehicles?

The Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Rhode Island Car Insurance

The state of Rhode Island requires that you carry uninsured/ underinsured motorist coverage as well as liability coverage on your vehicle to legally drive in the state. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is what covers your injuries and damages if another driver causes an accident.

It only kicks in though if the other driver has no insurance or not enough insurance to cover your expenses. If the coverage is used to cover damages to your vehicle, you are still responsible for a $200 deductible.

Rhode Island car insurance does have an “opt out” option for the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. It is only available to those that purchase the minimum amount of liability coverage only. If you purchase higher liability coverage than what is minimally required by the state, you will be required to also buy the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Rhode Island Car Insurance Plan

Also known as “Assigned Risk Pool” or “Force Placed Coverage”, this program is for those drivers that are so bad, no insurance company wants to voluntarily insure them. These drivers then have to go through this plan and an insurance company is “assigned” or “forced” to insure them.

Every insurance company has to take in an equal share of these drivers as determined by how much business they do. The larger insurance companies are required to take on more of these drivers than smaller ones because the larger companies do more regular business.

Once placed in this program a driver will see astronomical insurance premiums according to how bad they are. When I worked in this department I personally saw premium of over $9,000 and heard of a policy that was being charged $14,000. Keep in mind; this was for only 6 months of insurance.

You can be removed from this assigned risk Rhode Island car insurance plan once you have obtained a 3-year record of clean driving.

Claim Advice 101: Deer Hit by Car

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 02/12/2012

A “deer hit by car” accident is a common accident that everyone hopes they won’t be in.

deer hit by car

The aftermath of a deer hit by car incident.

“Deer hit by car” sounds like something the head of a gangster family would order on a deer that’s been helping himself a little too much to the Don’s garden. I can imagine the conversation going a little like this:

“The boss ordered a hit on the deer that’s been stealing out of his garden”

“How does he want us to rub him out?”

“By car.”

All kidding aside, a “deer hit by car” accident can be a serious accident. It also happens more frequently than people realize, especially in November which is the deer mating season. These accidents where you find a deer hit by car on the side of the road, is also the result of our habitat taking over where the deer live, leaving them no other place to go.

What to Do After a Deer Hit by Car Incident

The first thing that you need to do after you have hit a deer is to pull over to the side of the road. Deer are much more solid objects than people realize and they can do substantial damage to a vehicle. Your vehicle might be to the point that it should no longer be driven and continuing to drive it will just make the damage worse.

Once you have pulled safely to the side of the road, check for injuries in your vehicle first, and then check the damage done to your vehicle. Open the hood of your vehicle and check for any internal damages and to see if there is anything leaking that shouldn’t be.

Now call the police. Under no circumstances are you to touch the deer, move it to the side of the road or take it home with you. If you touch the deer or try to move it, you may be seriously injured by it, if it is still alive. The authorities see deer hit by cars all the time and they will be able to properly take care of it.

You cannot and should not take it home like you would if you got it hunting. If you don’t have a license this is illegal poaching.

Filing a Deer Hit by Car Claim

Once everything is taken care of at the scene of the accident call your insurance company as soon as you can. They can tell you what coverage you have available and what needs to happen now.

You will want to know what your comprehensive deductible is as this is the coverage that a deer hit by car claim is covered under. If you have no comprehensive coverage your insurance company will not pay for the damages to your vehicle.

You may not see any increase in your premium due to this type of accident, but it depends on the insurance company. They may count against you the fact that they had to pay for the claim, if you have the coverage for it. As far as other insurance companies are concerned though, a claim categorized as a “deer hit by car” is a not at fault accident.

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Car Insurance Guidebook Unravels the Car Insurance Mystery

Unless you work in the car insurance industry, the topic is probably a mystery to you. The words deductible, comprehensive, collision, liability, premium, loss of use and bodily injury are all gibberish when they reach your ears.

Unfortunately, insurance is something that you are required to have by law if you want to drive. Because of how confusing it is many people go around in almost an insurance daze while they get car insurance quotes from the auto insurance companies that they have heard of. In reality, they are completely lost as to what they are actually buying.

Instead of looking at what each insurance company offers in the terms of protection for both themselves and their car, they are instead looking for cheap car insurance. Finding the cheapest car insurance coverage makes having to buy the required product all that much less painful, but misses the whole point of having insurance.

Learning about insurance through your insurance agent or websites like Car Insurance Guidebook will give you the upper hand when you looking for car insurance. You can take your knowledge and not only find the best price for insurance, you can use it to find really great insurance to protect you and your assets. Then you aren’t stuck settling for just average car insurance that can hurt you financially if you ever need it because there isn’t enough protection.

For example, when looking for insurance the car insurance rates are just the first of many factors that need to be taken into account when you are shopping around for car insurance. You also need to take into account the type of vehicle that you are driving. Many people don’t know this.

Are you driving around a vehicle that is a new sedan and can be protected under any blanket insurance policy? Or do you have an old car that you fixed up that needs special protection and could be better covered under classic car insurance?

Don’t just assume that when you compare car insurance that it will be a one-size-fits-all policy. This is where the insurance knowledge will come in handy; you will know what you need to protect yourself and your vehicle.

You will understand what your insurance agent is talking about when they use insurance terms and you will actually be able to make an informed decision. This is much better for you instead of the “nod and smile” approach people take in their insurance agent’s office.

Also just like your life changes your insurance needs will change. This year you may just need to learn about the best deductible to have. Next year you may need to educate yourself on car insurance for young drivers. As the years pass, motorcycle insurance may be something you will need to know.

Many wise people say that you never stop learning, so take their advice and educate yourself on the insurance that you spend a lot of money on and can’t get away with not having.