Delaware Car Insurance
The requirements for Delaware car insurance are low, but the penalties for not having it are high.
State Regulator Information | 800-282-8611 | |
Insurance Premium | Avg. Annual Premium: $ 1,526 | National Average: $1,318 |
Mandatory Car Insurance Coverage | Bodily Injury Liability:$15k/30k Property Damage Liability: $10k |

Don’t be fooled into thinking that Delaware doesn’t care about car insurance because of the low requirements.
The state of Delaware doesn’t ask for much in the way of the amount of Delaware car insurance coverage they want you to have if you are to own and drive a vehicle in that state. If you don’t comply though, you will see penalties and fines given to you that far outweigh what was originally asked.
If you think that the state won’t find out that you don’t have insurance if you don’t get pulled over or get into and accident; think again. Delaware tracks the insurance coverage of vehicles in that state and they will know if you ever cancel your Delaware car insurance policy and don’t get a new policy.
Delaware Car Insurance Requirements
The minimum coverages that are required for Delaware car insurance are one of the lowest in the nation. You are only required to carry $15,000 and $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage and $10,000 in property damage liability coverage.
The bodily injury coverages are to pay for the medical expenses that another party may have if you injure them. The $15,000 is the most that your insurance policy will cover in this case for one person and the $30,000 is the most paid out for two or more people.
Property damage liability coverage pays for the damages that you cause to another person’s property with your vehicle.
Penalties for No Delaware Car Insurance
In the event that you are pulled over by a police officer and cannot provide proof of Delaware car insurance, your driver’s license will be suspended. In addition, you will receive a fine of at least $1500 for not having Delaware car insurance the first time you are caught.
If not being able to drive and being out $1500 isn’t enough of a lesson for you; the next time you are caught without Delaware car insurance the fine is $3000.
Cancelling Delaware Car Insurance
Before you cancel your Delaware car insurance, you must surrender your license plate to the state. If you fail to do this and you cancel your Delaware car insurance, you will be fined. The fine is $100 per uninsured vehicle that is registered, for the first 30 days after your Delaware car insurance is cancelled. After the first 30 days, you are fined $5 a day (per vehicle) until you finally get new insurance, your registration on the vehicle expires or you surrender your license plate.
Delaware Car Insurance and the FR-19
The FR-19 is a form that comes from your insurance company. It basically tells the state that you have been continuously covered under Delaware car insurance.
A FR-19 form will be needed when you are picked by the DMV for an insurance audit. It will have all the information that the DMV needs and will be your proof that you had insurance coverage on the verification date the DMV requests and that you are still currently insured.
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