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Happy Mother’s Day

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 05/11/2014

Car insurance and mom are more like each other than you think.

happy mothers day

Happy Mother’s Day!

No, this is not an article telling you to purchase mom car insurance for Mother’s Day. If you are at a loss as to what to get her today, there are three things that are always a safe fallback – flowers, jewelry, and taking her out to lunch.

If your mom doesn’t like any of those, well, good luck then. You shouldn’t have put more thought into this earlier than the day of the holiday.

For us however, we are going to talk about how your mom is like a car insurance policy.

Mandatory Car Insurance

In most states, there are a certain set of car insurance coverages that you have to purchase in order to be able to drive. For the most part, these required car insurance coverages are basically the same from state to state. The protection they provide you is the most basic form and is something that no good driver is without.

With moms it is the same; in general they all have the same anatomy and instincts that come with motherhood. There is very little difference from mom to mom when it comes to the human basics in this area. And every good mom is there to protect their child from harm.

Optional Car Insurance

With every car insurance policy available, the basic mandatory car insurance is just the base of the policy. There are many different options that you can add to your policy to make it uniquely yours.

Mom is the same, once you move past the fact that each mom has the same maternal base, you know that each mom is different. Each mom has different likes, desires, and beliefs; and from your childhood you know that each mom treats and raises their children differently. Her differences make your mom uniquely yours.

Car Insurance Penalties

When you didn’t follow mom’s rules, for most of us, an unpleasant time of punishment was the end result. You also knew that if you didn’t follow the rules in other places that mom wouldn’t come to your rescue when your dad, the school, or another authority figure punished you.

The same goes for insurance.  If you break your state’s law that requires that you have certain insurance coverages, you will face penalties from law enforcement. Also, if you break certain rules that the car insurance company has, they won’t protect you and pay for your car accident.

Even with all these similarities, moms are better at two important things than your car insurance policy is – they are better at forgiving and loving you.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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